The Journey of Ego

Cate Schultz
2 min readSep 9, 2020

A Very Short Parable of Mankind

Photo by Rostyslav Savchyn on Unsplash

X number of years ago, a perfect cosmic spark entered a tiny human form and, with a first breath, began its journey upon planet earth.

With a great cry, this human creature, who had previously been only an extension of another human, became a separate entity, with an assigned gender of “he” or “she.” This new human began to gather and develop its identity. It learned, through feedback and experience, about itself in this new world. Certain actions resulted in it feeling accepted, good, successful. Other actions made it feel rejected and bad and unsuccessful.

It learned to connect the word love with the accepted, good, and successful responses.

As a result of the great original physical separation that came at birth, this creature continuously sought to establish itself and protect itself, even at the expense of others. It formed groups-in-common based on looks, beliefs, language, or background, excluding others to greater enhance its sense of belonging. It amassed skills or experiences or money that seemed to grant power, influence, and popularity, which it interpreted as love and connection.

The human creature endeavored tirelessly to secure a feeling of belonging and significance, and to ward off the sense of separation. In some ways, the Ego structures and walls worked for safety and security, though the fears of other only intensified the sense of separateness.

Indeed, Ego became a barrier to the very love and connection the human had been seeking.

Meanwhile, deep down inside the human, the divine cosmic energy that had originally sparked the creature into life, still glowed. This spark was eternally connected to all of life in the great web of the universe. There was no separateness. Its light had only been obscured by Ego, and by the human illusion of separateness from others.

Some humans began to recognize that divinely sparked Self, and to tune in to its source of ultimate love. They learned to shed the earthly layers of Ego that had left them longing and lonely and eternally seeking connection and acceptance through earthly channels. By communing regularly with their divine Self, they found an abundance of boundless Love and Joy and Compassion and Equanimity. When the Ego, which had only resulted in furthering a sense of separation, was set aside, they stepped into the ultimate connection and community. They became gloriously one with all of life.

As more and more humans connected back to their source, the ego walls began to crumble. The strife and competition and righteousness that had created so much grief and separateness on earth faded, and humanity, individually and collectively, found the love and connection that had always been there, just waiting for them to link hands together, to thrive as one.

The End.

Or maybe, The Beginning



Cate Schultz

Author, teacher, life coach, mystical weaver…shining light into all the dark corners…. Books: Silent Sky, 2013; Soul Primer, Building Blocks of the Soul, 2020