Goddess Power

Cate Schultz
4 min readAug 21, 2020

5 Goddess-y Tools to Change Our World

First, I want to be clear that I am not a man-hater~I am the mother of three sons, who are manly and yet learning to be in touch with their inner goddess ~ I have a man in my life who can be loud and brash and rough, but who also works hard to disperse the cloud of toxic masculinity under which he (and many men of his generation) was raised ~ I have four brothers and many men friends whom I love dearly.

So, notice given that this is not a male-bashing article. That said . . .


It is high time for all women to claim their Goddess power.

The time is past for sitting on the sidelines, quietly putting up with the masculine-style management of aggression, arrogance, and authoritarianism. For too long now, women have leaned back and let men do the leading. Men, bless their hearts, have taken on that charge, some with good intent, some who became heady with greed and the hunger for power.

We could blame the end results, of a divisive and inequitable society, that is constantly fighting at home and warring abroad, on the men, for going at it in a masculine way and creating an environment that is fiercely independent, stoically individualistic, and cruelly competitive.

Or, we could take some of the responsibility for letting it happen. Admittedly, we women were not given much choice for many years . . . but society has changed such that every woman has the responsibility now to have her voice be heard, even if those in earshot are not supportive.

And so, let us not worry so much about blame; let us move forward to fix things.

We need, now, to hear the wise words of women, to shine the light for humanity.

We need, now, to sing the songs of women, songs of peace and loving kindness.

We need, now, for the healing hands of women to work their magic on our world.

The 5-C Goddess skills our world desperately needs:

1. Compassion — the practice of tangibly expressing loving kindness by recognizing the suffering of others and taking action to help them.

Goddesses are generous with their time and money and service, knowing that we are all in this together and a kindness given to one is a kindness received by all.

2. Communication — the ability to effectively and respectfully share opinions and ideas, with confidence and consideration of other’s input.

Goddesses do not talk over others or disparage other’s comments. Goddesses speak their truth and respect the truth spoken by others.

3. Compromise — the creating of consensus between differing opinions by finding concessions each side can make to discover an acceptable middle ground.

Goddesses know that it is not about winning; it is about helping solve problems with creative solutions so all can win.

4. Cooperation — the process of working together and assisting each other toward a common goal, purpose, or mission.

Goddesses do not compete to exclude others; they pull together for the good of the whole.

5. Community — the building of a sense of fellowship with others based on shared attitudes or goals.

Goddesses build community in broad terms. Instead of old-boy networks and exclusive clubs, Goddesses build inclusive communities that welcome all and foster mutual well-being.

After millennia of male dominance, our world has gotten out of balance. The end results benefit neither man nor woman. There are many women — and men — who are beginning to get in touch with their inner Goddess (we all have masculine and feminine sides) and are bringing that wisdom to their communities. We need all Goddesses to step forward and speak their truth, not aggressively, or angrily — we want to cure the patriarchal system, not emulate it! We must communicate with compassion, in a spirit of compromise and cooperation, and with the goal of building community.

Positive change will come when enough of us rise up and make it happen. Change begins in you. It starts with doing the inner work of personal evolution. It starts with practicing such skills as empathy, kindness, generosity, and gratitude. It starts with learning to go deep, through meditation and quiet introspection, to that place where you connect with your own divinity, your source of infinite loving power. It starts with humility and openness to learn a new way, a way guided by light and hope and joy and fearlessness.

As you change, you will shine the light for others. Change can begin small, in your home or your workplace. Change can grow to include your community, town, or government. Change is the responsibility of every Goddess, female or male, and the time for change is now.

May it be so, with blessings.



Cate Schultz

Author, teacher, life coach, mystical weaver…shining light into all the dark corners…. Books: Silent Sky, 2013; Soul Primer, Building Blocks of the Soul, 2020